Monday, November 10, 2014

PACE Program Week 5

          This is the last week we having PACE program. This week, the students from both Convent Sentul and Methodist Sentul is going to our campus which is Taylor’s University lakeside campus. There are an event that participate by our lecturer who is Ms. Rabiah and Ms. Caroline and all PACE students. This event held from 10 am to 4 pm which have two session which morning session is for students from Convent Sentul and afternoon session for students from Methodist Sentul. In the morning opening ceremony, some of our course mates who taking PACE program have singing performance for all the guests and performance. After that, the students from Convent Sentul have campus tour, skill building and campus exploration. My group is participating in the next section which is lunch break. There will be all the guests and students from Convent Sentul and Methodist Sentul having lunch in Temptation restaurant which organize by students who majoring in culinary arts. We stand by and get prepared at about 1 PM in Temptation. When they arrive, they queue up and wait for us to serve them so that it would be faster and efficient. Most of them are so clever and good in manners while we serve them. One of the funny things that I found out is they really eat in a quite big portion maybe because they are too tired and enjoy the activities prepared by our friends. They have one hour for them to enjoy their meals. After lunch, the students from Convent Sentul is going back to their school and the students from Methodist Sentul would be having some activities prepared by our course mates. The students from Methodist Sentul are going to have activities such as campus tour, skills building and campus exploration same as morning session but prepared by different people. After the activities, there are also closing ceremony and it ends up our PACE program successfully. Although we only having PACE program for five weeks, it is short but not only the students can learning something from us, I also can learn something from the program which the students are very appreciate for our help and our effort is work for them. Teachers may not help and take care for everyone in the schools since they have so many students and in PACE program, we are one or two people mentoring every one of them and giving out full attention on them. Therefore, they can be more focus on their studies and there is someone who can help them to solve their problem immediately. Therefore, PACE program is really a meaningful program which we can get happiness on helping others.

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